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Health and Safety Training for Supported Living

Health and Safety Training for Supported Living


Course Content

  • Responsibilities Under Health and Safety Law
  • Risk Assessment and Managing Safety
  • Dealing with Accidents and Incidents at Work
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Safe Moving and Handling Practice
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
  • The Importance of Fire Safety Practice
  • First Aid Responsibilities
  • Safety and Security in the Workplace
  • Protecting Your Wellbeing in the Workplace

Duration : 3 hours

Minimum no of candidates per session is 6


The Health and Safety Training for Supported Living and care homes is aimed at care professionals seeking to enhance their competence in maintaining health and safety standards within the workplace.

Responsibilities Under Health and Safety Law

Understanding and adhering to health and safety laws is a fundamental responsibility. This involves staying informed about regulations, ensuring compliance, and fostering a culture of safety within the workplace.

Risk Assessment and Managing Safety

Conducting thorough risk assessments is essential for identifying potential hazards. For Health and Safety Training for Supported Living and care homes effectively managing safety involves implementing preventive measures, regularly reviewing risk assessments, and addressing emerging safety concerns promptly.

Dealing with Accidents and Incidents at Work

Being prepared to handle accidents and incidents is crucial. health and safety training for supported living services emphasises on responsibilities which includes providing immediate first aid, reporting incidents accurately, and implementing corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

Infection Prevention and Control

Preventing the spread of infections is a shared responsibility. Adhering to hygiene protocols, promoting vaccination awareness, and maintaining a clean environment are integral components of infection prevention and control.

Safe Moving and Handling Practice

Ensuring safe practices when moving and handling objects or people is paramount. Proper training, the use of ergonomic equipment, and following established procedures contribute to minimizing the risk of injuries. This is particularly important when carrying out Health and Safety Training for Supported Living.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Identifying, assessing, and controlling substances hazardous to health is vital. This involves implementing safety measures, providing adequate training, and maintaining proper documentation of hazardous substances in the workplace.

The Importance of Fire Safety Practice

Understanding and adhering to fire safety protocols is a critical responsibility. This includes regular fire drills, maintaining firefighting equipment, and promoting awareness to ensure a swift and organized response in case of a fire.

First Aid Responsibilities

Being knowledgeable in first aid is essential. Responsibilities include providing immediate assistance during emergencies, ensuring first aid kits are well-equipped, and organizing regular training sessions for staff.

Safety and Security in the Workplace

Ensuring the safety and security of the workplace involves implementing access controls, surveillance systems, and emergency response plans. It also includes promoting awareness among employees about their role in maintaining a secure environment.

Protecting Your Wellbeing in the Workplace

Taking proactive measures to protect one’s well-being is a shared responsibility. This involves managing stress, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and seeking support when needed to foster a positive and supportive workplace culture.

Interested in refreshing your knowledge and competence by attending our mandatory care training?