Author: Admin

Problems with the CQC Provider Portal

Information from CQC: We're working to fix the issues with our new provider portal

We’re continuing to work to fix the issues you’re experiencing with creating your accounts on our new provider portal, and to make the functionality available that you need, including the ability to delegate access to others in your organisation.

We’re sorry these issues are not resolved yet, but we’ll let you know as soon as they are.

If you have managed to create an account on the new portal, please do continue to use it to submit notifications and undertake registration activity.

If you have not been able to create your account. Don’t worry, you can continue to use downloadable forms on our website and submit notifications via email.

We know many of you will have contacted our national contact centre with queries on our new portal, including:

  • Not receiving verification emails or codes

  • Your contact details being wrongly identified as a shared email address

  • Receiving an incorrect sign up link

  • Not being able to create accounts for non CQC registered colleagues

Due to the volume of queries we may not be able to respond to everyone individually. But we have recorded all the issues you’ve shared and will communicate with all providers when they are fixed.

If you are continuing to experience problems creating an account on our new portal, please wait until we’ve communicated with you that these issues are fixed

Until 28 March 2024 you can use the existing portal to view your data but not make any changes or submissions. Your historic data will not transfer to our new portal. You will need to download your data if you want to keep a record.




For more information about how to successfully register a home care service, click here

Insider Tips for Easy CQC Registration – Save Time & Avoid Mistakes!

Insider Tips for Easy CQC Registration – Save Time & Avoid Mistakes!


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on achieving seamless CQC registration. At Hellocare Consulting, we understand the complexities and challenges involved in navigating the Care Quality Commission (CQC) registration process. That’s why we’ve curated these insider tips to streamline your journey, save you valuable time, and help you avoid common pitfalls.

Understanding CQC Registration

Before delving into the tips, let’s first ensure clarity on what CQC registration entails. The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. It ensures that health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, and high-quality care. Any organization offering regulated activities in England must register with the CQC.

Tip 1: Thorough Preparation is Key

The foundation of a successful CQC registration lies in meticulous preparation. Begin by thoroughly reviewing the CQC’s registration requirements and standards applicable to your service type. Familiarize yourself with the specific regulations and guidelines relevant to your organization.

Tip 2: Create a Detailed Action Plan

Develop a comprehensive action plan outlining each step of the registration process. Assign responsibilities to team members, establish timelines, and set achievable milestones. Having a clear roadmap will keep your registration efforts organized and efficient.

Tip 3: Gather Necessary Documentation

Ensure you have all required documentation in order before initiating the registration process. This may include policies, procedures, risk assessments, staff records, and other relevant documents. Organize these materials systematically to facilitate easy access during the registration process.

Tip 4: Conduct Mock Inspections

Simulate CQC inspections by conducting internal audits and mock inspections within your organization. This allows you to identify any potential gaps or areas for improvement in your services or procedures. Addressing these issues proactively can enhance your readiness for the actual CQC inspection.

Tip 5: Invest in Staff Training

Invest in comprehensive training programs for your staff to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining compliance with CQC standards. Training should cover topics such as safeguarding, infection control, and person-centered care, among others.

Tip 6: Seek Professional Guidance

Consider seeking professional guidance from experts with experience in CQC registration and compliance. Consultants or advisors can provide invaluable insights, assist with documentation preparation, and offer guidance on navigating the registration process effectively.

Tip 7: Stay Updated on Regulatory Changes

Remain vigilant about staying updated on any changes or updates to CQC regulations and standards. Subscribe to relevant publications, attend seminars or webinars, and actively engage with industry networks to stay informed. Adapting to regulatory changes promptly is crucial for maintaining compliance.


Achieving CQC registration can be a challenging yet rewarding process. By implementing these insider tips, you can streamline your registration journey, save time, and mitigate the risk of common mistakes. At Hellocare Consulting, we are committed to supporting organizations in their quest for CQC registration success.

About Us

Hellocare Consulting is a leading home care consultancy firm, specialising in CQC Registration, Sourcing Private Care clients and Compliance Care Training for Healthcare Providers

Mastering Your CQC Interview: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Your CQC Interview: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: Understanding the Importance of the CQC Interview

In the healthcare industry, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) interview stands as a pivotal moment for professionals seeking to demonstrate their competency and dedication to providing high-quality care. As a reputable regulatory body, the CQC sets stringent standards that establishments and individuals must adhere to, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

Preparing for Success: Steps Before the Interview

Researching the CQC Guidelines

To excel in your CQC interview, familiarize yourself with the CQC guidelines relevant to your field. Understanding these standards will provide you with insight into the expectations and requirements set by the commission.

Self-Assessment and Gap Analysis

Conduct a thorough self-assessment to identify areas where you excel and aspects that require improvement. This introspective approach allows you to address any gaps in your knowledge or skills before the interview.

Seeking Mentorship and Guidance

Seek guidance from experienced professionals who have successfully navigated the CQC interview process. Their insights and advice can prove invaluable in preparing you for what to expect and how to best showcase your capabilities.

Crafting Your Portfolio: Showcasing Excellence

Documenting Achievements and Experiences

Compile a comprehensive portfolio highlighting your achievements, experiences, and contributions to the healthcare field. Include evidence of your continuous professional development, such as certifications, training programs, and commendations.

Emphasizing Patient-Centered Care

Demonstrate your commitment to patient-centered care by sharing stories of positive outcomes, testimonials from patients and colleagues, and initiatives you’ve undertaken to improve patient satisfaction and safety.

Highlighting Compliance and Quality Improvement Initiatives

Illustrate your understanding of regulatory compliance and quality improvement by showcasing projects or initiatives you’ve led or participated in. Discuss the outcomes achieved and the measures implemented to ensure ongoing compliance with CQC standards.

Mastering the Interview: Tips for Success

Practice, Practice, Practice

Conduct mock interviews with peers, mentors, or professional coaches to simulate the interview experience. Practice articulating your responses clearly and concisely, focusing on providing evidence-based examples to support your answers.

Communicating Effectively

Master the art of effective communication by practicing active listening, maintaining eye contact, and speaking confidently and professionally. Tailor your responses to address the specific questions posed, ensuring relevance and clarity.

Handling Challenging Scenarios

Prepare for challenging scenarios by anticipating potential questions or areas of concern. Develop strategies for addressing these challenges with confidence and professionalism, emphasizing your ability to remain calm under pressure and problem-solve effectively.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Success

In conclusion, mastering your CQC interview requires meticulous preparation, a commitment to excellence, and the confidence to showcase your capabilities effectively. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the interview process with confidence and position yourself as a competent and dedicated healthcare professional.

About Us

Hellocare Consulting is a leading home care consultancy firm, specialising in CQC Registration, Sourcing Private Care clients and Compliance Care Training for Healthcare Providers

Revolutionize Your Home Care Business with Expert Insights


In the dynamic landscape of home care businesses, staying ahead requires more than just offering quality services—it demands innovation, strategy, and a keen understanding of market trends. As seasoned entrepreneurs with a track record of success in the industry, we recognize the challenges and opportunities that come with running a home care business. In this comprehensive guide, we share invaluable insights gleaned from our experience as a £1M enterprise, empowering you to transform your business and achieve sustainable growth.

Understanding the Market Dynamics

Adapting to Changing Demographics

The demographics of the population are constantly evolving, with an increasing number of aging individuals seeking home care services. It’s crucial for businesses to adapt their offerings to cater to this growing demographic segment. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of the aging population, you can tailor your services to provide personalized and compassionate care, setting your business apart from competitors.

Navigating Regulatory Compliance

The home care industry is heavily regulated, with strict guidelines and compliance requirements governing operations. Staying abreast of regulatory changes and ensuring full compliance is essential for avoiding penalties and maintaining the trust of clients and stakeholders. Invest in robust systems and processes to uphold regulatory standards while delivering exceptional care services.

Building a Strong Brand Identity

Crafting Compelling Brand Messaging

In a crowded market, a strong brand identity is your most potent asset. Craft a compelling brand narrative that resonates with your target audience, highlighting your unique value proposition and commitment to excellence. Utilize content marketing strategies to amplify your brand message across digital channels, fostering engagement and building brand loyalty.

Embracing Digital Transformation

The digital landscape offers unprecedented opportunities for home care businesses to reach and engage with their audience. Embrace digital transformation by investing in a user-friendly website, leveraging social media platforms, and exploring innovative technologies such as telehealth services. By embracing digital channels, you can expand your reach, streamline operations, and enhance the overall client experience.

Delivering Exceptional Client Experience

Prioritizing Care and Compassion

At the heart of every successful home care business lies a commitment to delivering exceptional client experiences. Prioritize care and compassion in every interaction, going above and beyond to meet the needs of your clients and their families. Invest in ongoing training and development for your staff, equipping them with the skills and empathy needed to provide personalized and dignified care.

Harnessing the Power of Feedback

Feedback is a valuable tool for continuous improvement and growth. Encourage clients and their families to provide feedback on their experiences, soliciting both praise and constructive criticism. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes that enhance the quality of your services. By listening attentively to your clients, you demonstrate your commitment to their satisfaction and well-being.

Driving Business Growth

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Collaboration is key to driving business growth in the home care industry. Forge strategic partnerships and alliances with healthcare providers, community organizations, and other stakeholders to expand your network and access new opportunities. By leveraging complementary strengths and resources, you can enhance your service offerings and reach new markets effectively.

Investing in Marketing and Brand Awareness

A robust marketing strategy is essential for home care businesses looking to stand out in a competitive market. Invest in targeted marketing campaigns that highlight your unique value proposition and resonate with your target audience. Utilize a mix of online and offline channels, including social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and local advertising, to raise brand awareness and attract new clients.


In conclusion, transforming your home care business requires a strategic approach, a commitment to excellence, and a willingness to embrace innovation. By understanding market dynamics, building a strong brand identity, delivering exceptional client experiences, and driving business growth through strategic partnerships and marketing efforts, you can position your business for long-term success in the dynamic and rewarding field of home care.

About Us

Hellocare Consulting is a leading home care consultancy firm, specialising in CQC Registration, Sourcing Private Care clients and Compliance Care Training for Healthcare Providers

two adult women beside each other

From passion to profit: How to start a home care agency with a heart

From Passion to Profit: How to start a home care agency with a heart


At Hellocare Consulting, we believe in turning passion into profit. If you’re considering starting a home care agency with a heart, you’ve come to the right place. Our comprehensive guide will walk you through every step of the process, from initial planning to launching your agency and beyond.

Finding Your Passion

Before diving into the logistics of starting a home care agency, it’s essential to identify your passion. What drives you to make a difference in the lives of others? Whether it’s a personal experience, a desire to help those in need, or a long-standing commitment to caregiving, Hellocare Consulting encourages you to tap into that passion as you embark on this journey.

Research and Planning

Successful businesses are built on a solid foundation of research and planning. Begin by conducting thorough market research to understand the demand for home care services in your area. Identify your target demographic, assess the competition, and determine the specific services you will offer.

Next, develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. This document will serve as a roadmap for your agency’s growth and development.

Starting a home care agency involves navigating various legal and regulatory requirements. From obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to establishing legal structures such as LLCs or corporations, Hellocare Consulting will guide you through the process to ensure compliance and peace of mind.

Employing and Training Carers

The success of your home care agency hinges on the quality of your carers. Hellocare Consulting emphasizes the importance of hiring compassionate, skilled individuals who share your commitment to excellence. Implement thorough screening and interviewing processes, and provide comprehensive training to equip your team with the tools they need to succeed.

Providing Exceptional Care

At Hellocare Consulting we understand that providing exceptional care is more than just a job – it’s a calling. From assisting with daily activities to offering companionship and emotional support, our carers go above and beyond to ensure the comfort and well-being of our clients.

Building Trust and Reputation

Building trust and establishing a positive reputation are critical components of success in the home care industry. Hellocare Consulting prioritizes transparency, reliability, and open communication to foster strong relationships with clients and their families. By delivering consistently high-quality care and exceeding expectations, we’ve earned the trust of our community and built a reputation for excellence.

Scaling Your Business

As your home care agency grows, scalability becomes increasingly important. Hellocare Consulting offers strategic guidance and support to help you expand your operations, attract new clients, and diversify your services. From implementing efficient systems and processes to exploring opportunities for partnerships and collaborations, we’re here to help you achieve your goals.


Starting a home care agency with a heart is a rewarding endeavour that requires dedication, passion, and strategic planning. Hellocare Consulting is committed to supporting you every step of the way, from initial concept to long-term success. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need and build a thriving business that makes a positive impact on our community.

Cracking the Code to Registering with the Care Quality Commission

Cracking the Code to Registering with the Care Quality Commission

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare provision, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards is paramount to delivering quality care. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) plays a pivotal role in maintaining these standards, overseeing healthcare providers across the UK. Understanding the CQC registration criteria is essential for healthcare providers seeking accreditation and striving to meet regulatory requirements.

Key to embarking on the journey towards CQC registration is a comprehensive eligibility assessment. This assessment evaluates various aspects of a healthcare provider’s operations to determine their readiness for registration. Factors such as the quality of care provided, adherence to regulatory requirements, and compliance with healthcare standards are scrutinized during this process.

Healthcare providers must demonstrate a commitment to quality care and compliance with regulations to obtain CQC accreditation. This entails implementing robust policies and procedures that align with CQC standards and regulatory requirements. From care homes to healthcare facilities, registered providers must adhere to strict guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of service users.

Navigating the intricacies of CQC registration can be daunting, but it is essential for healthcare providers to familiarize themselves with the process. Demystifying CQC requirements and understanding the regulatory landscape are crucial steps towards achieving accreditation. By breaking down the registration criteria and assessing eligibility, healthcare providers can proactively address gaps in compliance and work towards accreditation.

In summary, CQC registration is a vital step for healthcare providers committed to delivering quality care and maintaining compliance with regulatory standards. By understanding the eligibility criteria and taking proactive steps to meet regulatory requirements, healthcare providers can position themselves as leaders in the healthcare industry, providing quality care that meets the needs of service users and upholds the highest standards of excellence.

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domiciliary care registration
home care agency registration

2024 Home Care Registration: Everything You Need to Know

2024 Home Care Registration: Everything You Need to Know

In 2024, the landscape of home care registration has seen significant evolution, making it crucial for aspiring entrepreneurs to stay abreast of the latest requirements, policies, and procedures. Whether you’re considering how to start a home care business or contemplating how to start a home care agency, understanding the intricacies of home care registration is paramount.

Home care agencies play a vital role in providing essential services to individuals who require assistance within the comfort of their own homes. However, venturing into this field requires meticulous planning and adherence to regulatory guidelines.

To kickstart your journey into the home care business, the first step is understanding the process of home care registration. This process involves navigating through various regulatory bodies and compliance standards to ensure the delivery of high-quality care services.

One of the fundamental aspects of home care registration is obtaining Care Quality Commission (CQC) registration. This credential not only validate the legitimacy of your home care agency but also instil trust and confidence in potential clients.

Moreover, establishing a robust infrastructure and operational framework is essential for the seamless functioning of your home care business. This includes implementing efficient systems for client intake, scheduling, and caregiver management.

As you embark on the endeavour of starting a home care agency, it’s imperative to prioritize compliance with industry regulations. This entails familiarizing yourself with local authority laws governing home care services and adhering to best practices in care provision.

Furthermore, leveraging technology can streamline various aspects of home care operations, from client communication to care coordination. Implementing electronic health records (EHR) systems can enhance efficiency and improve the overall quality of care.

In addition to regulatory compliance, investing in staff training and development is integral to the success of your home care agency. Equipping caregivers with the necessary skills and knowledge ensures the delivery of compassionate and competent care to clients.

In conclusion, navigating the process of home care registration requires a comprehensive understanding of regulatory requirements, operational considerations, and best practices in care provision. By staying informed and proactive, aspiring entrepreneurs can successfully establish and grow their home care businesses in 2024 and beyond.

Referral Program

A Hellocare Consulting Guide to Domiciliary Care Registration

A Hellocare Consulting guide to CQC Registration


Welcome to a comprehensive guide by Hellocare Consulting Limited, dedicated to actualizing your vision of delivering exemplary domiciliary care. We recognize the pivotal role of high-quality care services, with a key step being the attainment of Care Quality Commission (CQC) registration. This guide delves into the process and advantages of CQC registration, highlighting the transformative journey from conceptualizing a haven for care recipients to making it a tangible reality.

Understanding the Significance of CQC Registration

CQC Matters:

CQC registration transcends a mere legal obligation; it symbolizes a commitment to excellence in care provision. It stands as the gold standard, reflecting your dedication to upholding high safety, effectiveness, and quality standards. Through the CQC registration process, you showcase accountability, transparency, and genuine concern for your clients’ well-being.

Building Trust with Stakeholders:

Trust forms the cornerstone of any thriving care service, and CQC registration is the linchpin to gaining that trust. When prospective clients, their families, or healthcare professionals seek domiciliary care services, a CQC-registered provider emerges as a reliable choice. This trust is invaluable, fostering robust relationships with clients and garnering referrals from healthcare networks.

The CQC Registration Process

Navigating the Application:

While the process of obtaining CQC registration may appear formidable, our guidance transforms it into a manageable and gratifying journey. Our experienced team aids you in preparing necessary documentation, understanding CQC standards, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Comprehensive Inspections:

CQC conducts meticulous inspections to evaluate your service against fundamental standards. We collaborate with you to ready for these inspections, providing insights and guiding you to optimize your service to meet and surpass these standards. This preparation ensures a seamless inspection process and heightens the likelihood of securing a favorable rating.

Benefits of CQC Registration

Enhancing Quality of Care:

CQC registration transcends bureaucratic formalities; it acts as a catalyst for continuous improvement. Adhering to CQC standards compels your organization to consistently assess and enhance the quality of care delivered. This commitment to improvement results in superior outcomes for your clients, establishing you as a leader in the domiciliary care sector.

Attracting Top Talent:

The backbone of any successful care service lies in qualified and compassionate staff. CQC registration acts as a magnet for top-tier talent, as professionals are drawn to organizations prioritizing excellence and safety. Your dedication to CQC standards becomes a compelling selling point in recruitment, ensuring your team comprises individuals committed to upholding the highest care standards.


In conclusion, the journey from vision to reality in domiciliary care entails not only conceptualizing a safe haven but also taking concrete steps through CQC registration. At Hellocare Consulting Limited, we are committed to guiding you through this process, ensuring your commitment to excellence is not merely a vision but a tangible reality.

Domiciliary Care Registration
Private care clients

The Importance of a Marketing Video for Care Providers

The Importance of a Marketing Video for Care Providers

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, marketing strategies play a pivotal role in the success of any business, especially for care providers. Among the various tools at their disposal, marketing videos have emerged as a powerful and indispensable asset for care providers looking to establish a robust online presence. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the critical importance of marketing videos for care providers, exploring the manifold benefits they bring to the table.

Check out a Marketing Video designed for Zayon Care Agency, click on link –

Captivating Engagements: The Power of Visual Storytelling

Enhancing User Experience

In the realm of digital marketing, user experience is paramount. Marketing videos offer care providers a unique opportunity to engage their audience on a deeper level. Through visually compelling narratives, these videos create a seamless and immersive experience, effectively conveying the essence of the care provider’s mission, values, and services.

Establishing Trust and Credibility

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful care provider-patient relationship. A well-crafted marketing video can humanize the care provider, allowing potential clients to see the faces behind the services. This personal touch fosters a sense of trust and credibility, essential factors influencing a patient’s decision-making process.

Boosting Online Visibility: A Strategic SEO Approach

Leveraging Keywords Effectively

In the digital realm, search engine optimization (SEO) is the linchpin of online visibility. Crafting a marketing video with strategically placed keywords related to the care provider’s services significantly enhances the chances of appearing in relevant search results. This strategic approach ensures that the video not only captivates viewers but also ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Video Transcriptions for SEO Enhancement

To further augment SEO efforts, incorporating transcriptions of the marketing video content can be a game-changer. Search engines index text, and by providing accurate transcriptions, care providers can make their video content more accessible to search algorithms, ultimately boosting the overall SEO ranking.

Connecting with the Audience: A Personalized Touch

Tailoring Messages for Target Audiences

Care providers often cater to diverse patient demographics. Marketing videos allow them to tailor messages specifically to different target audiences. Whether addressing elderly care, pediatric services, or specialized medical treatments, a personalized approach resonates more deeply with viewers, fostering a stronger connection.

Social Media Amplification

The reach of marketing videos extends far beyond traditional platforms. Leveraging the potential of social media channels amplifies the impact of these videos. Care providers can share their videos across platforms, encouraging viewers to engage, share, and thereby expanding their online reach organically.

Measuring Success: Analytics and Conversion Tracking

Analyzing Viewer Engagement

Understanding how audiences interact with marketing videos is crucial for continuous improvement. Integrating analytics tools allows care providers to gauge viewer engagement, identify popular segments, and refine future content strategies based on real-time data.

Conversion Tracking for Informed Decision-Making

Beyond mere views, the ultimate goal is to convert viewers into clients. Care providers can employ conversion tracking tools to monitor how many viewers take the desired actions after watching the video. This data-driven approach enables them to fine-tune their marketing strategies for optimal results.


In conclusion, the importance of a marketing video for care providers cannot be overstated. From fostering trust and credibility to boosting online visibility through strategic SEO approaches, marketing videos are a dynamic and multifaceted tool in the digital marketing arsenal. By harnessing the power of visual storytelling, tailoring messages to diverse audiences, and employing analytics for continuous improvement, care providers can stay ahead in the competitive landscape, reaching and resonating with their target audience effectively.

Looking to expand your business by attracting private care clients in your local area and promoting your care agency to local councils for care contracts, contact us today by calling 07508823495 for a 30mins free session on the benefits of obtaining a marketing video that leapfrogs the competition.

#DigitalMarketingStrategies #VisualStorytelling #TrustAndCredibility #SEOVisibility #AudienceEngagement



CQC Registration for home care services
Hellocare Consulting Services

Supported Living and Domiciliary Care Registration

Domiciliary care and supported living

Supported Living and Domiciliary Care registration

When opting to invest in a care service, financial constraints often play a crucial role. Hence, it’s vital to grasp the fundamental distinctions between an investment in supported living and domiciliary care.

Supported living registration and domiciliary care registration are terms related to the provision of care and support services, particularly in the context of assisting individuals who may need help with daily activities due to physical or mental health challenges. Here are the key differences between the two:

  •       Setting and Environment:

    • Supported Living: In supported living, individuals usually reside in their own homes or self-contained accommodations within a community. They receive assistance and support to live independently while having control over their own living space.

    • Domiciliary Care: Domiciliary care, often referred to as home care or home help, involves the provision of care and support services within the individual’s own home. Care is delivered in the person’s familiar environment.

  •       Level of Independence:

    • Supported Living: The focus in supported living is on promoting independence and autonomy. Individuals are encouraged to make decisions about their daily lives, and support is tailored to their specific needs and preferences.
    • Domiciliary Care: Domiciliary care can range from minimal assistance with specific tasks to more comprehensive care, depending on the individual’s needs. The goal is to help the person remain in their home while receiving the necessary support.
  •       Regulation and Registration:

    • Supported Living: The regulation of supported living services can vary, and it may not always require specific registration. However, providers may still need to adhere to certain quality standards and regulations depending on the local jurisdiction.
    • Domiciliary Care: Domiciliary care services are often subject to regulations and registration requirements. Care providers may need to register with Care Quality Commission (if your business is in England) and the Care Inspectorate (if your business in Scotland) to ensure they meet the necessary standards of care.
  •       Flexibility of Care:

    • Supported Living: Care and support in supported living are typically more flexible and tailored to the individual’s needs. The emphasis is on adapting services to promote independence and meet specific requirements.
    • Domiciliary Care: Domiciliary care can include a range of services, such as personal care, assistance with daily activities, and sometimes medical care. The level of care is adjusted based on the individual’s needs and can be more standardized in comparison to supported living.

In summary, while both supported living and domiciliary care aim to provide assistance to individuals in need, the key distinctions lie in the setting, level of independence, regulatory requirements, and the flexibility of care services offered. Supported living often emphasizes independence and community integration, while domiciliary care focuses on delivering care and support within the person’s own home.

CQC Registration for home care services